Sunday, 29 April 2012


I've been married nearly 20 years to the same man!

And I happen to like him more now than I did 20 years ago....but there is one thing missing.....

He is not a woman!  (Sometimes he's a big princess) but not a woman!

"Ok" you say, so what!

Well there is something special about the blessing of girlfriends!

Girlfriends meet a need that no man does.

When you are feeling excited about things, a woman can know exactly how you are feeling about something.

Have a bad day with the kids?  A girlfriend will know.

You can have a girlfriend pick up on "girlfriend telepathy" and she will know exactly when to come over with chocolate and hugs, and lift your spirits like no other person can!

That is what happened to me!

I have been down recently, and not said a word to anyone!

When all of a sudden, "womens intuition" hit one of my girlfriends.

She rocked up on my doorstep, armed with "special" chocolates, hugged me without a word, made coffee with me and just sat there.  She was expectant about me opening up, but not pressuring me.  Within minutes all was poured out "or spewed out" like an offering into her lap.

With snot on her shoulder and a wet lap (drool and tears) she still loved me unconditionally!  Thats right, snot and all, and she still thinks I am wonderful.

Now don't get me wrong, husbands are great, and they have their place in this sort of thing, but it's the empathy of a woman who can allow you to be "hormonal" and not even say alot, but she knows exactly how you feel, as she too is a woman with the same feelings and issues.

When I cry with my husband (most men will do this), he will slightly shuffle as if he is being electrocuted by a shopping trolly, trying to console me with one hand on my arm, but not wanting to get "zapped"....all the while trying to fix my broken heart.  Men sometimes give fixit answers that can "tick" off a woman when she is NOT in the mood to hear those things!

Its the nodding of a girlfriend, the right sounds they make "yes they are awful" "Oh I know they were in the wrong", or even, "they are really awful, even though they didn't actually do anything wrong". They empathise with you when you feel unreasonable.  And sometimes women feel really unreasonable, and can't help it!

So here's to those special girlfriends who have a special gift of loving you unconditionally, lift your spirits when you need them, laugh and cry with you, speak truth into your life (done in love) and very much appreciated.

Can understand those "stella" moments you go through, because they too are having "stella" moments.

A big thank you to my "Girlfriends"  :)     xxxxx

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