Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Rain In Spain...Flows Mainly Down The Drain!! we're not in sunny spain.....we're in Australia, and in our little pocket of the world, the heavens have finally opened up and dropped some wet stuff!


I think we are the driest place in Australia.......

We are in Western Australia in the outskirts of Perth, and have been on water restrictions for a few years now!  Most Aussies are ripping up their beloved lawns and replacing them with the "fake" stuff.  Plus putting in low maintenance gardens.  It seems to be the way of the future in our neck of the woods.

Our Indian Summer has dragged on as it seems to do each year.  We usually have dry sunny days from September through to May.  Then a few wet days here and there is classed as our winter!

We don't even have to swap our wardrobes over very much.  Most of the year we are in shorts and t shirts or jeans and t shirts with a cardigan or jumper thrown on!  That's it.....that's the extent of our "cold" frosty time of year!

I envy you in America, where you have 4 distinct seasons...and would love to play in the snow for a few months.....the nearest thing to snow in Western Australia is the local "snow cone" machine at McDonalds!

I purchased my DP (Dear Pooches) new rain coats for the winter.....Reason being our older dog LuLu (13 years) is getting on, and I want to make her as warm and comfortable as possible in her twilight the coats arrived, and I tried them on....they look gorgeous....but NO RAIN....

So today when the heavens finally opened up...I quickly dressed the dogs and took them for a quick as I could before the rain stopped!! Ha Ha.

Thats how quick the rain is here, blink and you miss it!

I do love winter....warm snuggly nights infront of the telly watching your favourite show, with a warm drink!  MMMMmmmmm....I can just imagine it now, (as I sit here in my singlet and shorts)

Also wet blustery days are great for craft, ironing, reading...all those things you don't do when it's sunny and warm outside.  Too much to do when it's sunny.

Winter is our excuse to Hibernate just like a grizzly bear!

Ok, so for all those in "cold" England and America, we are topsy turvey to you, so disregard all I have just said, and enjoy your sunshine!  I know you havn't seen it since last season!  

As for us Aussies, bring on the winter I say....(if we can actually call it that!)

If you can say this fast 3 times, you don't need another glass of wine.

Stay snuggly sipping shots of stellas sensational seasonal shiraz!

Ha're doing it aern't you? !!!

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha.LOL. They do look lovely. Tried to say it 3 times fast....and dont need more wine.
    Look forward to your blog Kel,it always makes me laugh...usually "OUT LOUD". Ma
