Well, I am happy to announce.........
It's twins! At this stage of our life....
We really think we can do this.....after all it's only a blink of an eye and they are gone again!
The 4 girls are thrilled to have 2 new additions to our family. I on the other hand realise the amount of time and work that is going to be involved in all of this.
But having "twins" is such a blessing!
Ok, ok, I will put you all out of your shock! GASP GASP....
Yes I am having twins, no I am not pregnant.....
My girlfriend, who does have 6 children, is having some well earned R&R with her DH (Dear Husband). Something I think every married couple with children should do at every given opportunity.
So the opportunity arose, and our family volunteered to house these beautiful 2 year old twins......It's a girl x 2!!!
*Sidenote* Just what we need, more pink in our house!
And DH (Dear Husband) and I always joked that if we ever had more children, we bet we would have twins and more girls! Ha Ha
These two little cherubs are gorgeous! Beautifully behaved for toddlers, and an absolute pleasure to be around. Like two little beams of sunshine.
And our girls are in love with them. Having 2 babies around will bring lots of fun and laughter, (thank goodness they sleep well).....
Like I said before, it will be over in the blink of an eye.....but this time we will have is going to be precious!
As for the other 4 children, well I know my limit, and therefore 2 other wonderful families have taken these 4 cherubs under their wings for the week.
So everyone is in a win, win......the parents have some well earned precious time together, and the children all get a mini holiday with new families.
Remember in previous blogs I mentioned how lucky I am to be able to do this once or twice a year? As my own mum moves in and becomes me so that my DH (Dear Husband) and I can re-connect and have some alone time together! Well that, I think has been the glue that has allowed us to still be happily married 20 years down the track.
It has been invaluable to have that time together and have fun! I firmly believe each and every parent need to do this as it re-connects a marriage and glue's it together.
A couple who play's together, stay's together!
Yes, it's hard, yes it's disruptive, yes it can save marriages! And if you ever have the opportunity to take and nurture someone elses children so the parents can re-connect, do it with all of your heart......and parents, if you have the opportunity to leave your children with someone who offers......DON'T THINK, JUST DO! (Obviously someone you know and trust!)
You only have to go away with DH once on your own, and you will want to keep doing it forever!
I am excited to see what "stella moments" unfold over the coming day's!
Keep your eye out for next week!
:) twins :) ha ha.
I am sure I was not the only one to read this post as fast as I could!!! Have a fun week. such a kind gesture. x
ReplyDeleteHa Ha I would need a big box of tissues and lots of girlfriends around me if it were really the case.....don't think I have it in me to go back, but love the thought of little snippets here and there.....:)