As you all know I am not well at the moment, and will very soon have to have my gall bladder life for me has been a series of pain, and sleeping, with a bit of life thrown other words, I have not been well enough to do much! Quite Boring!
So when DH (Dear Husband) suggested on Saturday afternoon a leisurely drive to find a "secret" swimming hole, I thought great, that sounds gentle and a change of scenery would do us all good!
So we packed up the 2 dogs and 2 kids, and off we went.
It all started so well. We were all singing to "Adele" at the top of our lungs, and the 2 dogs were smiling in the back! We were on our way!
Now I must add, the secret swimming hole, is slap bang in the middle of nowhere, between towns and DH had an idea where it was! Hmmmm.....
"It's down here", he said, "I remember"......
So down the dirt road we went.....
What DH neglected to tell me, was we would have to go "Bush Bashing" to get there! Now for those of you who are not Australian, "Bush Bashing" is a term we Aussies use, which means 4 wheel driving! So lots of lumps, bumps, pot holes, trees. Basically it's like putting your family in a jar and shaking it!!! Get the picture?
So as we are getting thrown around in the car, I noticed the only one smiling was my DH. His sense of adventure is much greater than mine, the kids and even the dogs!
So down this bumpy road we go, and go, and go, and at the end is a private property!
"Oh this must be the wrong road", said DH, so we try each and every road within the area.
2 hours later, I am pretty sure all the jiggling around has worn my gall stone down small enough to pass! But in the process my anxiety levels had risen to a point of a new one forming! In other words, I was NOT having fun and neither were the kids!
DH dropped us out of the car so we could gain our composure, and the dogs could have a run in the bush! Now our old dog LuLu is 13 years old is going blind and deaf, plus her back legs have almost no strength left in them!
So we nearly had a fatality when the dog could not outrun the 4 wheel drive and instead of turning away from it, turned to it, and after alot of screaming, the car stopped within a millimeter of LuLu's back legs! Phew! It was very close and had shaken all of us up!
Talk about stella moments!
After hours of NOT finding this secret swimming hole, we had more than had enough, and were on our way home when DH said "Lets just try this last track", which happened to be the right one! YAY...we went swimming, but were well and truly over it by then!
So we did end up swimming but the sun had gone down by then and it was an eerie place to stay, I am sure it looks different during the day!
To cap off, what I thought was a waste of an afternoon, in which I could have had 4 quiet hours on the couch to myself (stupid stupid me!) was another stella moment.
In the driveway, late late at night, when we finally arrived home, the car accidentally rolled slightly back in the driveway, right where my 12 year old daughter was standing....and there were ear piercing screams, around 8pm at night, enough to get all the neighbours out of their houses (oh stella).
My poor DD (Dear Daughter) had her big toe run over! So all hands on deck, another adrenaline rush to see what damage had been done! Lots of ice packs and panic, and luckily (and I don't know how?) there was no damage done, no bruising, just a shaken up 12 year old!
So next time people, if your DH asks you if you would like to take a leisurely family drive one for your lives and don't look back!
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