Wednesday, 14 March 2012



I am about to round the thirties corner in say the next 2 weeks, and I have noticed that as I am arriving, my transport in which I am arriving is, lets just say, is in need of an overhaul....if you get my drift!

That's right, the vehicle which I transport myself around in, has somehow gone from a twenty something to mid life, and it's in need of an oil change, gaskets, brakes done, and brake fluid, wheels aligned, washed, and vacuumed...and I don't mean my car!

What happened in the twenty something years?

I had dreams of turning 40 and being at my ideal weight ready to get my well deserved tummy tuck....I have been talking about it for years now, when I reach this and when I do that, I will get it done!  40 Has snuck up on me, and I am still in the talking mode!

My health has taken a real battering over the last few years, mostly self inflicted, and it's not until it stares you square in the face, that you are forced to make some life altering decisions!

For example, change or die!

Hmmmm, extreme perhaps, but true.  My poor old body has gone through the ringer having 4 kids, and neglecting myself, to slowly contracting diabetes and having some serious complications arise because I have chosen to ignore them, or not take them very seriously!

(who me?).......

It wasn't until I was laid up in hospital 2 weeks ago, with the agony of gall stones and very high sugar readings, that the Doctor really put it to me to change or die! about honesty!

Sometimes that's what we need to hear in order to make these changes!

One last food fling in Bali, and I stepped off that plane with a changed heart and mind....(isn't that where it all starts from?)

I guess we don't really know what we are capable of until we really face up to ourselves!  Don't get me wrong....I really don't have any vices per say...

But I am a lover of coffee and lots of chocolate...and have slowly become a couch potato over the years....a lot of us mums do that!  We get so busy with kids and our family that if there is not enough time or energy left over, we miss out.....time is like currency....we only have 24 hours a day, and if it is spent on others, then we slowly cook on the back burner.....

Ha Ha....that's what happened to me,  the water dried up and I am burnt and crispy.....sort of!

So, instead of reaching 40 with trepidation and an unhealthy body, I am approaching it with a new heart, and attitude!  A newer, healthier version of myself, someone who will still by the way, have her embarrassing moments, her frustrating moments, her tired moments, her angry lady moments.....

Her Stella Moments!

But done with more energy and better health!

It is never to late to change.....and......lettuce is my friend not foe!

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