Friday, 2 March 2012

Grunt Season!

Ever wondered what planet your DH (Dear Husband) is living on?

Women and men speak a different language, we think differently, we act differently, we handle things differently....usually the balance is good...sometimes it is strange....sometimes it's a "science experiment", like adding oil to water!

On the weekends, men are not always responsive to us, especially if the football is on....

If we are feeling insecure or down, and need to express that...not much response is offered at that time.....Ugg Ugg....Hmmmm...Huh?

No eye contact, just a grunt!  

I call it "grunt season", the time of year (in Australia) when most men come home on a Thursday night, go into their man cave, and don't come out until the "ritual" of football has been performed (usually 4 days)....What a strange and wonderful ritual!

It lasts from about March through to September.

Now ladies, those of you who have never noticed this phenomenon before, I want you to try this experiment....You are going to observe....that's right, the Grunt Season is coming, and your job is to watch and learn....

You will notice some strange habits!

If you try and talk to "man" during the football, your response will be limited!

A grunt, a nod, a 'huh'....and no eye contact, sometimes a shaking of the head while the mouth gapes open...


When the advertising comes on.....a half hour conversation, can and will be crammed into 3 minutes!  You watch, whilst getting up for his beer and pie, he is answering your "thoughts" and "statements" with Mr fix it answers, like he is reading down a list.

You may think at that time of talking to him previously, that he actually was not listening or taking it in.....Here's where the phenomenon begins.

He reels off all those things you mentioned, along with "mr fixit" answers.

"you should have said this", or "you should have done that", or "yes book the car in if it needs a service", or "get me another beer love".....

You know, that sort of thing!.....It is like a 12 minute "hybernation" with bursts of "3 minute awakenings" inbetween.....

Now don't be upset girls....its a natural occurrence that happens, just like summer and winter!  It is one of those things we must brace ourselves for!

If you love the football season, all the better, you will still notice this phenomenon though!  Just watch it all unfold.

Now,  if things are not going well in the man cave, it is not a pleasant experience.  There may be a lot of shouting at the television.  A lot of slapping the couch.  There may be channel changing.  And the worse case scenario, they may even turn off the television!  I know, I know, that is very extreme, but I have seen it done before!  There are some games, that make your man so frustrated that he doesn't have any other choice, but to turn off the game, get off the couch, and start doing stuff around the house....!

Or worse still.....Pay you attention!



  1. Haha, I thought the grunt season was something else for a while! Good job Kel!

  2. Ha Ha....Yes could be! Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder!
