The day started as any other. 2 cups of Coffee, and the morning routine done. Kids all packed up with school books ready to homeschool in the car....not a normal way to school, but an option if I need to go out and run errands etc.
I was on the freeway heading toward my destination, kids in the back quietly doing their schoolwork....BLISS.
It was Serendipity (I love that word....S E R E N D I P I T Y)
You know, everything comes together in that one moment, well that was me having a serendipity moment (not a stella one at that stage).
It's not often the wheel of life runs completely smoothly, but I was in the moment.
Then out of the blue....This really angry lady was in my car shouting her head off.
I couldn't believe it! She startled me at first. I wasn't sure what was happening.
One minute I was driving, having my serendipity moment, the next she's in the car with me yelling and screaming.....
Who was she?
Well it was me! That's right....ME. I was happily driving along the freeway, and then this "person" infront of me was on his mobile phone swerving over the white line, about to take me and my family out!
Now as you can imagine, this all happened very quickly. In that moment I didn't know he was on a mobile phone.
In turn I swerved to avoid him and was pushed to the edge of the freeway.
Obviously I was shaken up, and this all happened within 3 seconds.
But it was the "angry" lady in my car that surprised me the most......
"Son of a bing..... Son of a bang.....etc....
I am known to be quite a laid back kind of person, and in the past I have been one of those people who is nodding "yes" and inside screaming "no".
(A natural people pleaser.....(who me?)
My sneaky suspicion is that I may be about to go through my MC.
I don't like to say it out loud....but you know the MC.
The thing you have in midlife.....
Some might call it a crisis.....?
I am still in my 30's for a little longer (and milking it for all it's worth), but have noticed some little things that have changed over time....
Things I would never have done in my 20's and 30's, but as I am rounding that corner (did I mention very soon?), I have these episodes....I call them my Tourettes episodes....You know those involuntary outbursts!
I seem to be having today in my car....or the other day when someone cut infront of me at the Supermarket! rude!
At one time in my life I would have smiled and said nothing...all the while stewing on the inside, but the beauty of know.....the number after 39, is that you get a license.
Oh, didn't they tell you? You are given a license when you know!
A license to speak out people. Yes, yell at the "crazy" driver who talks on his mobile phone whilst driving (and not too well might I add), politely but firmly tell that person who has cut infront of you, uh sorry, but I was here first!
Its SO LIBERATING....It's like swimming naked in your pool at night when no one is watching....(woops, did I say that out loud?)....that doesn't really happen by the really.
By being in the moment, and taking stock, and speaking out, it really does make you feel good!
Unfortunately, there is an unwritten rule that you really shouldn't abuse people in the moment. Really! It's not nice.
So with girly restraint, Smile and Wave Boys, Smile and Wave!
ReplyDeleteHa Ha...thanks Elle x