Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Treadmill!

Ever noticed how intertwined the Treadmill is in our lives....or as I like to call it..


It's one of those pieces of equipment, that when purchased promises to turn you thin and beautiful....until you read the fine-print, and you realise you actually have to use it, and really hard, for it to live up to it's promises.

When I first purchased my "Dreadmill", and as I was handing over my (husbands) hard earned money... I wasn't thinking "What a great clothes horse" this would make, NO, I was thinking thin, fit and beautiful.  

But over time, reality had a different picture as to what I would do with this expensive piece of machinery.

This is more the reality of how it is used.

The "Dreadmill" is also like life....when we are born, we are like a shiny new piece of equipment, as we age and get older, sometimes we get sidetracked and end up being used or function out of our character.  Sometimes life makes us jaded, sometimes it makes us tired, sometimes it rewards us, and sometimes it just plods along for a while.

I guess it's how we use it (our gift of life) that gets us the results we want.  BUT.

There is always a but.  We have to know what we want out of it. 

Like I said before, when I was handing over that cash, I wasn't thinking this would be great to hang my washing on, I was thinking fit and fab.  It's also an attitude.  

When did my attitude towards how I use the "Dreadmill" change?  Was it on the first day, as soon as I got it home?  NO.  Infact, from memory, I worked that machine for a good while before I felt jaded and tired by it.  Then life got in the way and know the rest....HANGING WASHING!

So, I have decided not to waste or squander the function and meaning for the machine.  I am going to dust it off, and use it according to it's purpose.

Just like I on track?  Well no, I guess there are always things to improve.  When the rut of life hits, and believe me it hits, not always a rhyme or reason, but it hits, I like to wallow and sook, and then write up a plan.  That's right, a perfectionist always makes a list.  It's great because even if you don't actually achieve what's on the list, you have still written it, so it feels like you've done something!

So my friends, where are you on the "Dreadmill" of life?  Are you running, facing the wind, your hair billowing behind you, the birds chirping, the breeze a blowing, the sun a shining?  Or, are you dragging your heels, one foot infront of the other trying to hang on, with the stench of "stella" hanging in the air?

Sidenote, the "stench of stella" in this case is bad, but it can be good...just keep that in mind for future!

So if you are on the "Dreadmill" that stinks, it's time to take stock my friends, you can change direction and have a new attitude, the new attitude can take you places you never dreamed of...after all we all have a plan and purpose to our lives..

So pull that washing off, dust off your shoes, write that list, and function the way a "Dreadmill" should function.....Shake your "stella" free....

1 comment:

  1. Once again words of wisdom flow. You always tell it 'how it is'......whith a big dollop of humour to soften thye message :)
