Friday, 17 February 2012

The Time Bandit!

Has he ever visited you?

I'm sure he does.  I hear you people complaining about time getting away from you, just as it gets away from me...

The Time Bandit!

He visited me today.  I was happily going about my normal day, you know, homeschooling, washing, baking, dishes etc etc.  So far so good.

Then I visited a friend for coffee, great coffee, great friendship, great conversation!  Still so far so good.

Then on the way home I went to my 3 o clock Doctors Appointment!

Waiting,  waiting,  waiting, 1 hour, waiting waiting waiting, 2 hours....

S. T. E. L. L. A...........

Not happy Jan.  The time Bandit, swooped in and stole 3 hours of my life!

Now YES the Doctors surgery leave a lot to be desired, yes their practice stinks!

But the "Time Bandit" can prey on us any time any place, (although the Doctors is quite a common place for him to steal your time!)

If we added up all these stolen moments from "The Time Bandit" how much would it add up to in your life?

A car broken down?  (1 1/2 hours)

Doctors Appointment (3 hours!)

Waiting in the school carpark for the kids (45mins)

Lotto kiosk (5 minutes)

Red Light (3 mins)

Waiting for someone in the family to rub my feet (forever!)

You get my point.  No wonder we are in a harried state all the time....our lives are made up of "stolen moments".....

If I add mine up, I think I and all the rest of us could gain weeks and weeks on our life!

Remember the movie "In Time" with Justin Timberlake.  The movie shows how each person has a number on their arm which represents the amount of time they have left on their life.  Imagine it winding down 3 hours after my Doctors appointment?  Wow!

Wouldn't that make us prioritise our time better?  Wasting my time at the Doctors trying to prolong my life could actually be shortening it!

Stay with me people, I am thinking out loud here...but imagine.

If you knew you only had 3 years, 12 hours, 39 minutes and 16 seconds left to would you live it?  What would you spend your time on?

It certainly makes you wonder what your time is worth?

So it got me thinking.....what do I spend my time on?  Or rather, the question to ask, what am I wasting my time on?

Makes you think?

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