Tuesday, 21 February 2012

It's a Dog's Life!

Remember I am the queen of making ends meet?

Well one of the way's our family save money, is by making my own dog food!

Hmmmm, why?  Well it's more nutritious, and costs less, so why not?

There are many recipes you can use to make dog food.  But these are my 2 favourites!

Recipe #1 Dog Food

1kg beef mince (cheapest mince you can find)
3 carrots cut up
1 cup of rice or pasta
2 stock cubes
1 Tbs Peanut Butter or Vegemite (for flavour)
1 cup of vegetables chopped (any you have spare, but not onion or potato)
1.5 Ltr water

Place all ingredients into a pot, and bring to a boil.  Turn down heat and on low heat, boil for about 40 minutes, or until the mixture is cooked and thickened.

Cool down and store into portions.  Enough for 1 dog to eat with dry biscuits.  It freezes well.

I have 2 dogs so this recipe lasts me around 10 meals each dog.  And it's healthy for them, and good for their coat.  Buy the cheapest cut of mince, don't buy pet mince, as it is actually more expensive than human beef mince!

Recipe #2 Dog Biscuits (Treats)

2 cups wholemeal flour
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup powdered milk
1 tspn yeast
2 cups water mixed with 1 Tbs vegemite

*The biscuits take on the vegemite flavour, which most dogs seem to love, but experiment with peanut butter, or stock flavours.

Place all ingredients into breadmachine, thermomix or mixer, or mix by hand.  Form a soft dough that is not too dry.

Roll the dough out flat around 1/2 inch thick.  Cut with "bone" cookie cutter.  Bake in a slow over 170 degrees celcius, or 325 degrees F.  For one hour.  Turn off oven and leave to cool, either overnight or a few hours.

Store into the freezer, or an airtight container.  Can be used as treats, or when you are training.  These biscuits can be made for under $2.00.  They are expensive if you buy them ready made!

There you go.....nothing too hard, and your dogs will love you for it!


  1. Hey Kelly! i make my own dog food too! try adding some garlic - it keeps the fleas off them, so no need to buy expensive flea treatments.

  2. Wow Dayna,
    thanks, I did not know that...I will definately add garlic....but will not kiss the dog the next morning....pewww!
