Monday, 20 February 2012


Do you suffer from it?  Do you have the symptoms?  Are you struck down every week with it?


It's a rare condition that seems to strike people late Sunday night.

Every week without a doubt, Monday is coming!  Yes that's right, you heard me, it comes....even if you don't want it to, even if you try to block it out, it is on its way.

There is nothing you can do to stop Monday.  But you don't HAVE to suffer with Mondayitus!

It's funny, some people suffer Monday's, others like me thrive on Monday's.


Well to me, Monday represents a clean slate.  A new set of lists and chores!  All those things I failed at last week, I now have a do-over this week.  A fresh start!

I love Monday's because it's my housework day.  The floors, vacuumed, mopped, bathrooms done, roast dinner, rice pudding.....(I'm English), the whole thing!

It's like yesterday the world ended and today is a new beginning.....I appear out of the bomb shelter (messy house!!!)  to a  new and wonderful week.

I am woman hear me ROAR.....

When I first wake up on a Monday, when I first open my eyes, it's a new week, and none of the "stella moments" have hit.....YET!  It's the time before the "stellas"  for those few precious moments nothing has happened to me, I am still in the "clean slate" moment.....then the rest is history.

I wake up, get up, muck up, speak up, then shut up.  For 6 days, then the Monday creeps up again, and its.....a new week, Its Monday!

Unfortunately, for those of you who do suffer Mondayitus....there is no pill to take.  

Wake up, get up, speak up, shut up, and go back to bed!.....stella!


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