Not a good day....
Ever know when you first wake up that you are about to have a bad day? Sometimes I know, other times I don' "I KNOW".
Day's like today happen to me like clock work....once a month almost to the day, I wake up, very tired, very snappy, very teary...completely unreasonable, and generally no fun to be around (who me?).
It's "Jack Frost" visiting, you know, the visitor us women have every month. The thing we were smighted by God, the Almighty Smighter. The reason I call it "Jack Frost" is because generally, anyone coming within a kilometer's radius at that time, will get a frosty reception!!!
Another thing to note, is, the whole time I am completely aware that I am very tired, very snappy, very teary...completely unreasonable, and generally no fun to be around (yes me!).
And I really try to snap out of it, logically my mind knows it, but those "No added Hormones" (thanks Coles, that silly song is stuck in my head...) keep me down for a few days.
So. What to do? What to do?
Not alot really. So thanks for your time and see you later!
Ha ha, just kidding.
The key here is to know, and accept. That's it. Accept. You can't help the symptoms, you cannot do alot about the symptoms, they are symptoms.
Symptoms of a sinister plot to take down all women on the face of the earth and stop them from running the universe. Wah Ha Ha Ha Ha.......
Woops, there goes Jack Frost again, the evil mastermind wielding his evil misery....No, my little mantra during this time is, be kind to yourself.
We are our own worst enemies, always measuring ourselves against a yardstick of perfection and trying to aim for it. But during our low times its ok to jump off the roundabout, go to bed early, make spagetti on toast for tea, not do the washing that day, and not talk to people if we don't feel like it (GASP).
"Yard Stick!"
Yes that's right. We all have those days when we don't want to leave our misery and face people. So I say "Dont". It's ok to have a bad day and check out for a while, it's ok to have a DOWN LOW DAY, or two.
The trick and unwritten rule is, you cannot stay there.
When you read the "I am allowed to wallow" contract, the fineprint does say "you must snap out of it within a day or two". Believe me I've read it!
So sign away my fellow "Jack Frosters", allow yourselves to wallow in your woes you wascally wabbits......(hey when did Elmer Fudd get here?)
Have your "stella" days, embrace them. Accept them.
If all else fails, get your DH (Dear Husband) to take you out to the movies and treat you to a truck load of chocolate, just like my DH is doing for me today.
It works every time!
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