So I thought I would share with you some tips on how I make the dollar
S t r e t c h...for our family.
Firstly, being a perfectionist, and old fashioned at that, I still prefer lists and charts, as opposed to electrical diaries, and devices.
So each year I buy myself a calender from America (fly lady). It's great as it fits so much on there. For me its worth the investment of having a cheap calendar sent overseas (postage costing more than the calendar its'self)....STELLA!

Having a calendar is where everything starts for me. It's central to the kitchen and in full view of what I need to accomplish. Anything that I need reminding of, goes on the calendar, date night with DH (Dear Husband), kids stuff, school stuff, phone numbers, appointments, bills that are due, and even spring cleaning that needs doing.
Secondly each week I make up a menu plan for the week's dinner, including any baking I plan to do. I bought this from Kikki K, they have fantastic things to display all of your favourite lists and charts, in your favourite colours! But, you can download these things from different website's, like,
Each of these sites are about getting organised in your home. And they have dowloadable charts.
When I make up a menu plan, I am either on FIRE or FLOUNDERING for ideas. So if it's FIRE, I write it straight from my mind, if it's FLOUNDERING, all of my favourite recipe books are spread accross the table trying to ignite ideas for meals! The pendulum swings!!!
So make up your menu's, it will save you wondering what to have for dinner at 5pm each night.....(You know you do it!)
The green chart on the left is my menu, and the chart on the right is the "chore chart" for me, and the kids. A list of jobs every member of the family has to do to keep the country running, I mean, the family running!
Each month that gets changed. So everyone has a fair turn of their least favourite jobs.
Unfortunately, my least favourite jobs are always there, and I cannot get out of them!
Once I have written the menu up and gulped some coffee, it's time to make a shopping list.
My shopping list is made up on the computer, and gets printed out each fortnight when I shop. Anything I need to buy in for the fortnights dinner gets hilighted as well as anything else we buy. Now it has been proven that you save money if you bulk buy things, and shop fortnightly, as opposed to weekly. Reason being, the larger the food items you buy, the less money per gram or kilo you pay.
I shop online, as I think its worth it. I can sit in the comfort of my own living room, with my coffee, overseeing my kids doing their schoolwork, whilst I am shopping for my fortnights food. It is an invaluable way of shopping. And if you spend a certain amount on food, they deliver for free! Can't beat that!
If you are shopping for a fortnight, you will spend that cut off amount, so it's easy to get free delivery, or at least discounted.
Other people, hate the shop online option, and prefer to see and touch everything, which is fine, remember each to their own. Just remember to eat before you go, so the chocolate bars don't jump into your trolly, like they always seem to do when I go into the store!!!
To save money even further, you can build up a "stock pantry" at home, and shop 24/7 in your own home.......meaning that if you have a well stocked pantry and you need something, you will always have it on hand.....but more about that tomorrow.
Remember a little time planning meals, and shopping just for what you need, can save you alot of money over the year, and stop you from having a "stella moment" at 5pm every night when the kids are screaming "whats for dinner"!
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